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Creativity Contest Reminder!

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Our creativity contest is coming to an end. The last day to submit your artwork will be on Monday, August 31st! If you haven't already, make sure to turn your work in on time in order to qualify for a prize drawing! You can submit your artwork in any media that you would prefer. Painting, crafting, digital, a poem, short story, we accept them all! The only thing you need is your imagination and supplies to be creative! The contest is for grades K-12.

You can email us a picture at, bring in the artwork, or post a picture on our website! Let us know if you would like us to feature the artwork. Good luck, and thank you for participating!

To keep this artistic creativity flowing, we will be announcing a free painting class for September, once we figure out more details! We are planning on having it outside, that way we can follow social distancing guidelines. Stay tuned to learn more information. Class size will be limited.

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