Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! by Bob Barner.
Michelle and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Tuesday, September 3, the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime this month!
Enjoy a FREE copy of the book and more!
"Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!" by Bob Barner
"Pretty ladybugs, fluttering butterflies, creepy daddy longlegs, and roly-poly bugs are some of the familiar creatures featured in this whimsically illustrated insect album. Complete with an "actual size" chart and bug-o-meter listing fun facts about each bug, Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! will inform and entertain curious little bug lovers everywhere."
Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI3f181UfFw to watch the story read by Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. Then, enjoy the activities!
Kits include:
a FREE copy of Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
information page
colors game (5 colored grasshoppers)
rhymes/song pages with weblinks (instrument included)
2 activity pages
2 coloring pages
Bugs sticker craft
3 magnets from the story
Bugs sticker page
Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!
HANDOUT GAMES – play with included grasshopper handouts
Can You Show Me…?
(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)
Can you show me the green grasshopper?
Green grasshopper, green grasshopper?
Can you show me the green grasshopper?
And wave it in the air?
Red… blue… white… brown
Hold It High – Choose one grasshopper from handouts
Hold your grasshopper high and stand
Now wave it around in gestures grand!
Hold your grasshopper below your chin
Now hold it way up high again
Hold your grasshopper against your nose
Now touch the grasshopper to your toes
Touch your grasshopper to the ground
Now wave that grasshopper all around!
Hold your grasshopper in front of you
Now turn around – one time, two!
Hold your grasshopper and jump up high!
Now let your grasshopper fly fly fly (throw it in the air)
SONGS & INSTRUMENT – use included instruments
Bug’n Roll by Pinkfong
Butterfly Ladybug Bumblebee by Super Simple Songs
Bug Song by CoComelon
Five Little Caterpillars by The Kiboomers
BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)
Grasshoppers Jump
(Sung to: “Three Blind Mice”)
Jump, jump, jump
Grasshoppers jump
They jump over here
And jump over there
They jump up high and they jump down low.
Around and around and around they go.
They jump fast, and they jump slow.
Oh, grasshoppers jump
Take Me Out to the Backyard
(Sung to: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”)
Take me out to the backyard.
Take me out with the bugs.
Locusts and beetles and dragonflies,
If I look hard, I may even see slugs.
Let me look, look, look in the bushes
The trees, ‘neath rocks and the lawn—
For it’s one, five, ten flies I see
And now they’re gone!
Roly-Poly Caterpillar
Roly-poly caterpillar
(wiggle right pointer finger)
Into a corner crept,
(place right pointer finger in left cupped hand)
Spun around himself a blanket
(spin around)
Then for a long time slept.
(place head on folded hands)
Roly-poly caterpillar
(wiggle right pointer finger)
Wakening by and by,
(“stretch” right pointer finger)
Found himself with beautiful wings
Changed to a butterfly.
(flutter arms like wings)
Bumblebee on My Nose
(Sung to: “Jingle Bells”)
Bumblebee, bumblebee,
Landing on my toes.
Bumblebee, bumblebee,
Now he’s on my no-ose!
On my arms, on my legs,
On my elbows now.
Bumblebee, oh bumblebee,
He lands and then he goes!
Flutter, Flutter, Butterfly
(Sung to: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”)
Flutter, flutter, butterfly.
Floating in the summer sky.
Floating by for all to see,
Floating by so merrily.
Flutter, flutter, butterfly,
Floating in the summer sky.
Can You Move With Me?
(Sung to: “Do Your Ears Hang Low”)
Can you wiggle like a worm?
Can you squiggle? Can you squirm?
Can you flutter? Can you fly like a gentle butterfly?
Can you crawl upon the ground
Like a beetle that is round?
Can you move with me?
Can you flip? Can you flop?
Can you give a little hop?
Can you slither like a snake?
Can you give a little shake?
Can you dance like bee
Who is buzzing round a tree?
Can you move with me?
Bob Barner’s site:

We hope you enjoy these activities and would love to hear what you thought of the book! We also hope you enjoyed the extra links. Remember, you can comment here on this website, email us at swantonpl@gmail.com, or come in and turn in a physical copy!