Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for Down on the Farm by Merrily Kutner.
Michelle and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Monday, April 1 (today!), the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime this month!
Enjoy a FREE copy of the book and more!
"Down on the Farm" by Merrily Kutner
The sights and sounds of noisy farmyard animals during a busy day include roosters calling, horses neighing, cows mooing, ducks quacking, and pigs oinking.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink &v=1610928375962821 to watch Corsicana Public Library’s read-aloud. Then, enjoy the activities
Kits include:
a FREE copy of Down on the Farm
information page
colors game (5 colored cows)
2 activity pages
2 coloring pages
rhymes/song pages with weblinks (instrument included)
Farm sticker craft
3 magnets from the story
farm animal stickers
Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!
HANDOUT GAMES – play with included cow handouts
Can You Show Me…?
(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)
Can you show me the green cow?
Green cow, green cow?
Can you show me the green cow?
And wave it in the air?
Purple… pink… orange… blue
Hold It High – Choose one cow from handouts
Hold your cow high and stand
Now wave it around in gestures grand!
Hold your cow below your chin
Now hold it way up high again
Hold your cow against your nose
Now touch the cow to your toes
Touch your cow to the ground
Now wave that cow all around!
Hold your cow in front of you
Now turn around – one time, two!
Hold your cow and jump up high!
Now let your cow fly fly fly (throw it in the air)
SONGS & INSTRUMENT – use included instruments
The Animals On The Farm by Super Simple Songs
Farm Animals Finger Family by Pinkfong
The Animal Sounds Song by KidsTV123
Farm Animal Song by BLIPPI
BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)
Animal Sounds
(Tune: “The Farmer In The Dell”)
The ducks say, quack, quack.
The ducks say, quack, quack.
Heigh-ho, the Derry-oh,
The ducks say quack, quack!
The cows say, moo, moo…
The dog says woof woof…
The cat says meow…
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O.
And on this farm he had a pig, E I E I O
With an oink, oink, here and an oink, oink there.
Everywhere an oink, oink.
Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O.
Cow – moo, moo
Horse – neigh, neigh
Duck – quack, quack,
Sheep – baa, baa
Chick – cheep, cheep
Over In the Barnyard
(Tune: “Down By The Station”)
Over in the barnyard
Early in the morning,
See the yellow chickies
Standing in a row.
See the busy farmer
Giving them breakfast.
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.
Off they go.
White cows… moo moo moo moo
Pink piglets… oink oink oink oink
Take Me Out to the Farm
(Tune: “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”)
Take me out to the farm.
Take me out to the cows,
Show me some pigs and bunnies, too.
Give me a ride on a pony or two.
Oh, it’s so much fun at the farm.
There are so many things I can do.
And I love to listen and hear
All the neighs, quacks and moos!
Open Up the Barn Door
Open up the barn door,
the spring goes “Boink.”
There’s a pig in the barn,
saying “Oink, oink, oink.”
Open up the barn door,
before the clock strikes two.
There’s a cow in the barn,
saying, “Moo, moo, moo.”
Open up the barn door,
it’s a sunny day.
There’s a horse in the barn,
saying “Neigh, neigh, neigh.”
Open up the barn door,
don’t let it get off the track.
There’s a duck in the barn,
saying “Quack, quack, quack.”
Open up the barn door,
while the sky is blue.
There’s a rooster in the barn,
saying “Cock-a-doodle-do!”
Encyclopedia.com’s page on Merrily Kutner:
Illustrator Will Hillenbrand’s site:

Let us know what your little ones thought of Down on the Farm! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?