We want to give a big thank you to our volunteers for helping make this happen! We couldn't have done it without Nicole Osentoski, who volunteered a lot of time and effort into helping me with crafting decor. She also let us borrow all of her awesome lights to help make the event glow even more! Another awesome volunteer was Star Bloom, who helped us set up, thank you so much! Also thank you to the BOLT members who came and helped, I couldn't have done it without all of you! Last but not least, we would like to give a shout out to The Friends of the Swanton Public Library for helping us supply the awesome glow and led merch for the teens. They loved them!
We brought the glow walk into the library due to the rain, and let me tell you, it turned out awesome!
Our teens got to run around the library after hours, having fun. We had games, music, snacks, and merch to hand out. They had such a good time!
Fun and games in the children's room. The teens got to play glow in the dark tic tac toe, glow bowling, glow hopscotch, and glow pumpkin toss!
Check out the sweet decor my friend Nicole made!
More pictures of the library!
We also had paintings in the hallways with cool glow art, unfortunately the pictures didn't turn out the best.