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The Hula-Hoopin' Queen - Storytime Online

Writer's picture: Amanda ReedAmanda Reed

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for The Hula-Hoopin' Queen by Thelma Lynne Godin!

Leanna and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Monday, January 24th (today), the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime.

Enjoy a FREE copy of the book, and have fun doing the activities.

Everything is yours to keep!

"The Hula-Hoopin' Queen" by Thelma Lynne Godin

“Kameeka is confident that today she will finally beat her rival, Jamara, and become the Hula-Hoopin Queen of 139th Street. But then Mama reminds her that today is their neighbor Miz Adeline’s birthday, and Kameeka has a ton of chores to do to get ready for the party they are hosting. Kameeka’s disappointed to be stuck at home and can only think about the hoopin’ competition. Distracted, Kameeka accidentally ruins Miz Adeline s birthday cake, and has to confess to her that there won’t be a cake for her special day. But then Miz Adeline confesses something too: she’s also got the itch — the hula-hoopin’ itch!”

You will have the book read to you by Oprah Winfrey. She did such a great job; we hope you enjoy her reading as much as we did!

Kits include:

  • a FREE copy of The Hula-Hoopin' Queen by Thelma Lynne Godin

  • information page

  • colors game (5 colored hula-hoops)

  • a flyer for this website

  • 3 activity pages

  • 2 coloring pages

  • rhymes/song pages with web links (instrument included)

  • a hula-hoop craft

  • 3 magnets from the story

  • stickers

HANDOUT GAMES – play with included hula hoop handouts

Can You Show Me…?

(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)

Can you show me the yellow hula hoop?

Yellow hula hoop, yellow hula hoop?

Can you show me the yellow hula hoop?

And wave her in the air?

Pink… orange… green… brown

Hold It High – Choose one hula hoop from handouts

Hold your hula hoop high and stand

Now wave it around in gestures grand!

Hold your hula hoop below your chin

Now hold it way up high again

Hold your hula hoop against your nose

Now touch the hula hoop to your toes

Touch your hula hoop to the ground

Now wave that hula hoop all around!

Hold your hula hoop in front of you

Now turn around – one time, two!

Hold your hula hoop and jump up high!

Now let your hula hoop fly fly fly (throw it in the air)

SONGS & INSTRUMENTuse included instruments

Emmie - Hula Hoop Song by Baby Toonz Kids TV

Hoola-Hooping Song by badanamu

Hula Hoop Song by LBB Junior

Hula, Hula Baby by The Wiggles

BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)

Five Little Doughnuts

Down around the corner

(lean to the right)

In the bakery shop

(lean back like opening a door)

There were 5 little doughnuts

(hold up 5 fingers)

With sugar on top

(lift child up high)

Along came [child’s name] all alone

(bounce slowly and quietly)

S/he grabbed a big one and ran on home

(bounce faster and then clap hands)

Four little doughnuts…

Three little doughnuts…

Two little doughnuts…

One little doughnut…


Kameeka Had a Hula Hoop

(Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)

Kameeka had a hula hoop

Hula hoop, hula hoop

Kameeka had a hula hoop

She’s got ‘the itch’!

And everywhere Kameeka went

Kameeka went, Kameeka went,

Everywhere Kameeka went

She brought that hula hoop!

The hula hoop went round and round

Round and round, round and round

That hula hoop went round and round

Whenever Kameeka could!

Kameeka had a hula hoop

Hula hoop, hula hoop

Kameeka had a hula hoop

She’s got ‘the itch’!

A Delicious Cake

Mix the batter, stir the batter (make stirring motion)

Shake some flour in (make shaking motion)

Mix the batter, stir the batter (make stirring motion)

Place it in a tin (make pouring motion)

Sprinkle a little sugar on (sprinkle motion)

Pop it in to bake (make motion)

Open wide the oven door, (make motion)

And out comes a cake! (open palms)

The Hula-ing Hoop

(Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)

The hula-ing hoop goes round and round

Round and round, round and round

The hula-ing hoop goes round and round

Around my waist!

The hula-ing hoop spins up and down...

The hula-ing hoop spins back and forth…

The Doughnut Shop

(Tune: “Do Your Ears Hang Low?”)

Well, I walked around the corner, and I walked around the block,

and I walked right into The Doughnut Shop.

And I picked up a doughnut right fresh from the grease,

and I handed the lady a five-cent piece.

Well, she looked at the nickel, and she looked at me.

And she said “This nickel is no good, you see,

“There’s a hole in the middle and it goes right through.”

And I said, “There’s a hole in my doughnut too.”


Publisher Lee and Low’s page on The Hula-Hoopin’ Queen:

Illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton’s site:

Let us know what your little ones thought of The Hula-Hoopin' Queen! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?

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