Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for Pig the Pug by Aaron Blabey.
Michelle and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Monday, May 1 (today!), the kits are available to pick up for our online storytime this month!
Enjoy a FREE copy of the book and more!
"Pig the Pug" by Aaron Blabey
Pig is a greedy and selfish Pug. He has all the bouncy balls, bones, and chew toys a dog could ever want yet he refuses to share with his poor friend, Trevor. Little does he know, however, that being greedy has its consequences. Join Pig as he learns to share – the hard way!
to watch the story read by Munchkin Storytime. Then, enjoy the activities! Everything is yours to keep!
Kits include:
a FREE copy of Pig the Pug
information page
colors game (5 colored paws)
2 activity pages
3 coloring pages
rhymes/song pages with weblinks (instrument included)
dog mask craft
3 magnets from the story
dog/puppy stickers
*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*
HANDOUT GAMES – play with included pawprint handouts
Can You Show Me…?
(Tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)
Can you show me the purple pawprint?
Purple pawprint, purple pawprint?
Can you show me the purple pawprint?
And wave it in the air?
Yellow… blue… red… pink
Hold It High – Choose one pawprint from handouts
Hold your pawprint high and stand
Now wave it around in gestures grand!
Hold your pawprint below your chin
Now hold it way up high again
Hold your pawprint against your nose
Now touch the pawprint to your toes
Touch your pawprint to the ground
Now wave that pawprint all around!
Hold your pawprint in front of you
Now turn around – one time, two!
Hold your pawprint and jump up high!
Now let your pawprint fly fly fly (throw it in the air)
SONGS & INSTRUMENT – use included instruments
Sharing Is Caring by Pinkfong
Chubby Pug (Frozen Parody) by Doug The Pug
Kindness Song by Musical Dots
I Love Pugs by Debbie Doo Kids TV
BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)
Pig the Pug
(Tune: “Baby Shark”)
Pig the Pug, do do, do do do do
Pig the Pug, do do, do do do do
Grab your toys, do do, do do do do
Grab your toys, do do, do do do do
Climb up high, do do, do do do do
Climb up high, do do, do do do do
Toward the sky, do do, do do do do
Toward the sky, do do, do do do do
Then fall down, do do, do do do do
Then fall down, do do, do do do do
Now you share, do do, do do do do
Now you share, do do, do do do do
If You Want to Be a Friend
(Tune: “If You’re Happy And You Know It”)
If you want to be a friend, clap your hands.
If you want to be a friend, clap your hands.
A friend is someone who,
Is always kind to you.
If you want to be a friend, clap your hands.
Stomp your feet...
Wave hello...
Ears, Whiskers, Tail and Paws
(tune: "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes")
Ears, whiskers, tail and paws.
Tail and paws.
Ears, whiskers, tail and paws.
Tail and paws.
Fur, and eyes, and mouth, and claws.
Ears, whiskers, tail and paws.
Tail and paws!
I have a dog and his name is Pig,
He eats so much that his tummy jigs,
His ears flip-flop, and his tail wig-wags,
And when he walks he goes zig zag.
Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag.
Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag.
Wiener Dog
(tune: “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”)
Wiener dog, wiener dog, turn around,
Wiener dog, wiener dog, touch the ground.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, wag your tail.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, drink from the pail.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, sit and beg.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, hold up one leg.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, take a walk
Wiener dog, wiener dog, try to talk.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, try to lick
Wiener dog, wiener dog, fetch the stick.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, go upstairs
Wiener dog, wiener dog, look for bears.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, turn off the light.
Wiener dog, wiener dog, say goodnight.
The Paws on the Dog
(Tune: “Wheels on the Bus”)
The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot,
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot, trot,
The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot,
All through the town.
The ears on the dog go flop, flop, flop...
The nose on the dog goes sniff, sniff, sniff...
The tongue on the dog goes lick, lick, lick...
The bark on the dog goes woof, woof, woof...
The tail on the dog goes wag, wag, wag...
Aaron Blabey’s site: https://www.aaronblabey.com/

Let us know what your little ones thought of Pig the Pug! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?