Welcome to our online book club for grades 3 - 5! We are excited for you to join us in our discussion for I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 by Lauren Tarshis.
Along with a free copy of the book, you will also receive a review page. You can tell us what you thought of the book! You will also receive a flyer for this website, a questions page to consider, 2 activity pages, and an information page with cool links related to the book!
Kits will be ready to pick up later this evening (September 3, 2020). Please remember that we have a limited number of kits available, so it's first come, first serve! If you have any special requests or need accommodations, please let Leanna or Amanda know!
All we ask is that you read the book: do as much or as little of the rest of it as you want!
"I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912" by Lauren Tarshis
Ten-year-old George Calder can't believe his luck — he and his littler sister, Phoebe, are on the famous Titanic, crossing the ocean with exciting places to explore, but when George ventures into the first class storage cabin, a terrible boom shakes the entire boat. Suddenly, water is everywhere, and George's life changes forever.
*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*
SPL Virtual Book Club! (3rd-5th)

September 2020 book: I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 by Lauren Tarshis
Welcome to our virtual do-it-at-home book club!
Visit the post for I Survived: The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 under ‘Book Clubs’ on www.splyouth.org for anyone who wants to discuss the book or comment on any of the questions or activities, or go to https://www.splyouth.org/post/i-survived-the-sinking-of-the-titanic-1912-online-book-club for the direct link. If you’d prefer not to go online, fill out the included review sheet and/or question sheet and get them back to the library, and we can post your comments for you!
Even better, everyone who either posts on our site or brings back anything included with the book — even if it’s just a picture of the craft you did — will also get a small prize at the library!
More about the Titanic, the author, and the I Survived series!
Lauren Tarshis’s website:
Hear Lauren Tarshis read the entire book! You can also search ‘Lauren Tarshis I survived the sinking of the Titanic playlist’ on YouTube to find the link:
Scholastic’s I Survived website. Includes quizzes and more!
See how newspapers of the time covered the disaster in 1912:
Included as well: A Titanic word search and a Titanic coloring sheet!
Like I Survived? There are currently twenty books in the series, plus some nonfiction companions. Check them out!

We hope you enjoy these activities and cannot wait to hear what you thought of the book! We also hope you enjoyed the extra links. Remember, you can comment here on this website, email us at swantonpl@gmail.com, or come in and turn in a physical copy!