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Me and My Cat? - Storytime Online

Writer's picture: Amanda ReedAmanda Reed

Hello everyone! We hope you are all excited for Me and My Cat? by Satoshi Kitamura!

Leanna and I have put together a bunch of fun activities and crafts for the little ones. Starting on Monday, June 7th (today), the kits will be available to pick up for our online storytime.

Enjoy a borrowed copy of the book, and have fun doing the activities. Please return the book after you are done; everything else is yours to keep!

"Me and My Cat?" by Satoshi Kitamura

"Late one night Nicholas sees a witch enter his bedroom and hears her say some magic words. When he wakes up the next morning, it doesn't take him long to realize something very strange is going on especially when he pulls at his whiskers!"

You will have to return this book to the library; everything else is yours to keep!

You will have the book read to you by actor Elijah Wood. He did such a great job; we hope you enjoy his reading as much as we did!

Kits include:

  • a borrowed copy of Me and My Cat? by Satoshi Kitamura

  • information page

  • colors game (5 colored cats)

  • a flyer for this website

  • 4 activity pages

  • 3 coloring pages

  • rhymes/song pages with web links (instruments included)

  • Kitty Blanket craft

  • 3 magnets from the story

  • stickers

HANDOUT GAMES – play with included cat handouts

Can You Show Me…?

(tune: “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush”)

Can you show me the orange cat?

Orange cat, orange cat?

Can you show me the orange cat?

And wave it in the air?

Black… yellow… brown… gray

Hold It High – Choose one cat from handouts

Hold your cat high and stand

Now wave it around in gestures grand!

Hold your cat below your chin

Now hold it way up high again

Hold your cat against your nose

Now touch the cat to your toes

Touch your cat to the ground

Now wave that cat all around!

Hold your cat in front of you

Now turn around – one time, two!

Hold your cat and jump up high!

Now let your cat fly fly fly (throw it in the air)

SONGS & INSTRUMENTuse included instruments

The Cat Song by Good Child TV

The Kitty Song by PinkFong

Cat Song by Zebra Nursery Rhymes

I’m a Crazy Witch Song by Howdytoons

BOUNCE RHYME (bounce along with child in lap)

One Cat

One cat bouncing on my bed.

(bounce child)

Two cats cuddled tail to head,

(hug child close)

Three cats eating from one dish.

(pretend to feed child)

Four cats fishing for a fish.

(tilt child forward, as if ‘fishing’)

Five cats prancing on a fence,

(bounce child along lap)

Six cats running around paper tents.

(bounce child in circle)

Seven cats jumping toward the skies,

(bounce up high)

Eight cats chasing butterflies,

(help child flap arms like wings)

Nine cats playing pounce and run.

(hug close and then ‘bounce’ child away)

Ten cats napping in the sun.

(pretend to sleep)


Kitty Pokey

(“The Hokey Pokey”)

You put your little paw in, you put your little paw out.

You put your little paw in, and you shake it all about.

You do the kitty pokey and you turn yourself around.

That’s what it’s all about!

You put your whiskers in, you put your whiskers out.

You put your whiskers in, and you shake them all about.

You do the kitty pokey and you turn yourself around.

That’s what it’s all about!

You put your slinky tail in, you put your slinky tail out.

You put your slinky tail in, and you shake it all about.

You do the kitty pokey and you turn yourself around.

That’s what it’s all about!

Nicholas Had a Little Cat

(“Mary Had a Little Lamb”)

Nicholas had a little cat,

little cat, little cat,

Nicholas had a little cat,

Its fur was white as snow.

Everywhere that Nicholas went...the cat was sure to go.

It followed him to school one day... Oh, yes, the cat knew how

It made the children laugh and hear the cat meow

Little Kitten

I have a little kitten

With soft and shiny fur.

And when I pet my kitten,

She goes purr, purr, purr, purr.

Oh Kitten, kitten, kitten

With soft and shiny fur.

I love to pet my kitten,

And hear her purr, purr, purr.

Five Kittens

Five little kittens standing in a row,

(Hold up five fingers.)

They nod their heads to the children so.

(Bend fingers)

They run to the left; they run to the right.

(Run fingers to the left and then to the right.)

They stand up and stretch in the bright sunlight.

(Stretch fingers out tall.)

Along comes a dog who’s in for some fun.

(Hold up one finger from the opposite hand.)

ME-OW! See those little kittens run!

(Let fingers run.)

EXTRA LINK!’s page on Satoshi Kitamura:

Let us know what your little ones thought of Me and My Cat! What did they think of the activities? Do you have any suggestions for us?

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