Everyone who participated in the Summer Reading Program will be able to pick out a book, or books (depending on how many activities completed!) Here is a look at the books you will be able to choose from!

For Toddlers and younger children, check out these books below.

For older kids, check out these titles! Sorry it's hard to see. As you can see, there are many to choose from!

For Teens, look at these books!

Along with picking out a book (or more) you will also be rewarded some coupons for local restaurants in the area! How many coupons you receive will depend on how much you participated in the Summer Reading activities.
12 lucky grand prize winners, for the kids, will soon be announced, just as soon as we get the prizes in! Sorry for the delay. We hope to be able to call you today!
7 lucky grand prize winners, for the teens, will also be announced. We hope to reach out to you soon! Have a great day :)