Welcome to our online book club for grades K-3! We are excited for you to join us in reading Which Way to Witch School? by Scott Santoro.
Along with a free copy of the book, you will receive a review page so you can tell us what you thought of the book! You will also receive a questions page to consider, activity pages, and an information page with cool links related to the book!
Kits are ready to pick up! Please remember that we have a limited number of kits available, so it's first come, first served. If you have any special requests or need accommodations, please let Leanna or Michelle know!
All we ask is that you read the book: do as much or as little of the rest of it as you want. No matter how much you do, the book is yours!
"Which Way to Witch School?" by Scott Santoro
“Miss Thornapple’s school is not like most other schools – it’s a school for little witches! Little witches must learn how magic broomsticks fly and how to whip up their own potions. Sometimes they swim in swamps, and other times they explore the haunted old forest. And what’s served for dinner in the dining hall? Gooey eyeballs! There’s no telling what might happen at Miss Thornapple’s school. But one thing is for sure: Even young witches have lessons to learn.”
*Here are the following pages that you will receive with your kit!*

More fun with the author and witches!
Scott Santoro’s site:
Hart County Public Library Outreach Virtual Story Time’s Which Way to Witch School:
Britannica Kids’ page on witches and witchcraft:
“Witches” musical playlist on Spotify:
Included as well: a witch school coloring page, a word search, a build-a-witch activity, a color by numbers witch, and a recipe for candy eyeballs!

We hope you enjoy these activities and cannot wait to hear what you thought of the book! Remember, you can comment here on this website, email us at swantonpl@gmail.com, or come in and turn in a physical copy!